
  • 15.5M People in Need
  • 8.0M People Targeted
  • 1.7M People Reached
  • $1.4B Funding Requested (USD)
  • $30.4M Funding Received (USD)
  • $1.3B Unmet funds (USD)

Response Plans: HRP.

Figures updated for: January to March 2024.

Country overview

The Food Security Cluster/Sector Whole of Syria works through three hubs in South Turkey (Gaziantep), Syria (Damascus), while also linking with key actors operating from Iraq. While each hub delivers on core cluster/sector functions, WoS is responsible for conducting the overall analysis of Needs, Response, and Gaps, linking hubs on different operational and technical issues, and providing an overall service to the Whole of Syria-related activities.

The food security situation in Syria continues to deteriorate. An estimated 15.5 million people (65% of the population) are in need of food or livelihood support, Or assistance from national safety nets. At least 12.9 million people are in need of food assistance, if 2.1 million who live in camps are all food insecure, and a further 2.6 million are at risk of food insecurity. The driving factors of food insecurity are likely to remain in place